Comparing Large vs. Multiple Small Refrigeration Systems

In the realm of refrigeration systems, there exists a debate between using a large system, such as a parallel screw compressor system, and multiple smaller systems. Understanding the differences and advantages of each can help businesses make informed decisions that align with their operational and financial goals. Before delving into this comparison, it's essential to grasp the basic concept of refrigeration systems. Horsepower (HP) is a measure of cooling capacity, where 1HP typically equates to approximately 2700W of cooling capacity, varying with different temperatures.

For this discussion, we will reference a project completed by Doluyo using a 360HP refrigeration system (12 sets of 30HP refrigeration systems), referred to as a modulation refrigeration system. By the end of this article, you'll understand why choosing smaller systems might be more beneficial compared to a single large refrigeration system.

modulation refrigeration system

1. Initial Investment and Installation Costs

Large System (360HP): A single large unit often comes with a higher upfront cost. These systems typically consist of multiple screw compressors operating in parallel, making them complex and heavy-duty, which can lead to higher installation costs.

Modulation System (Multiple Smaller Units): In contrast, a modulation system, particularly one using DOLUYO’s intelligent refrigeration system, tends to have a lower cost and easier installation process. DOLUYO integrates essential components like the expansion valve, electric cabinet, control panel, and precharged refrigerant (R404A). Installation is simplified, requiring only the connection of the condensing unit and air cooler with copper pipes, followed by vacuuming the air cooler at 38Bar.

2. Operational Efficiency and Energy Consumption

Large System (360HP): Operating a large system can be less efficient as the entire system must be activated simultaneously, leading to potentially higher energy consumption.

Modulation System: In contrast, modulation systems allow for independent control of each smaller unit, optimizing energy use. These systems can achieve quicker temperature drops due to independent condensing units and axial fans cooling the refrigerant more effectively. This independence ensures that the refrigerant temperature decreases more rapidly compared to a single large system, where all refrigerant flows through the same pipes and condensing unit.

3. Reliability

Large System: While maintenance might be straightforward, large systems can suffer from longer downtimes if specialized parts are needed or if the system requires a complete shutdown for repairs. This could lead to significant business losses due to the entire refrigeration system being offline.

Modulation System: Although there are more components to maintain, smaller units often use more readily available parts and can be serviced individually. This minimizes overall downtime and prevents complete business shutdowns during maintenance.

4. Scalability and Flexibility

Large System: These systems offer less flexibility in scaling operations. They are designed for a specific capacity and are not easily expandable or reducible.

Modulation System: Modulation systems provide greater scalability. Additional units can be added as demand grows, or units can be deactivated during lower demand periods, offering significant operational flexibility.

5. Space and Infrastructure Requirements

Large System: Typically requires a large dedicated space and specialized infrastructure for installation and operation.

Modulation System: Multiple smaller units can be more easily distributed across different locations or areas, potentially saving space and reducing the need for extensive infrastructure.

6. Noise and Environmental Impact

Large System: These systems might generate more noise, necessitating soundproofing measures. The environmental impact tends to be more concentrated.

Modulation System: Noise can be distributed and potentially lower per unit, with the environmental impact also being more dispersed.


The decision between a large system and multiple smaller systems hinges on factors such as the specific needs of the logistics cold chain, budget constraints, available space, and the desired level of redundancy. By carefully considering these aspects, businesses can choose the system that best aligns with their operational and financial goals.

At the end, I have attached some large project cases that use modulation refrigeration control. Let modulation refrigeration system become the trend!

doluyo logistics cold chain project
doluyo refrigeration modulation projects
doluyo large freezer project
doluyo cold room projects
doluyo refrigeration projects

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